Nanxiang Steamed Bun Restaurant @ Bugis, Singapore

Address: 200 Victoria Street #02-53 Bugis Junction, Singapore 188021
Price: $
Rating: 2.5/5

If you have eaten soup dumplings at Nanxiang Steamed Bun Restaurant (南翔饅頭店) located near the City God Temple or Cheng Huang Template (上海城隍庙), you can now eat them in Singapore. 

Located at Bugis Junction, Nanxiang Steamed Bun Restaurant in Singapore boasts the soup dumplings (小笼包) preserved the culinary standards of the original restaurant in Shanghai. They have also expanded the menu with over 60 tantalising dishes. 

The entire food experience cost us around $65.00.

I missed the spicy & hot soup from Boston a lot. The soup never fails to bring back fond memories. At Nanxiang, we ordered a serving of Shanghai Spicy & Hot Soup (上海酸辣汤). When it was served, we drank the soup with great anticipation. Though the soup was delicious, it lacked the sourness and spiciness. I think the restaurant has re-adapted the recipe to suit local and international customers. (Food rating: 2.5/5).

The Assorted Vegetable Slices (凉拌小菜) is a great appetiser and it is a great selection. The delicious and crunchy cucumber strips and carrots were delightful. The zesty flavour exploded in my mouth. It was heavenly!!! (Food rating: 3/5)

One of the weakness is carrot cake. When I saw the Pan fried Carrot Cake in Blended Carrot Cake (极品酱炒罗卜糕) in the menu, I immediately ordered it. The carrot cake, however, did not meet my expectations. I was expecting a better and more savoury dish than the one I ate at the restaurant. (Food rating: 2.5/5)

I love these Wantons in Spicy Vinegar Sauce (京川云吞).  The freshly prepared shrimp dumplings tasted very well with the special blended sauce. The shrimps were very crispy, indicating that they were very fresh. (Food rating: 3/5)

I ordered the Crabmeat & Pork Filling Steamed Bun (香辣蟹肉小笼) instead of the usual meat soup dumpling. I took a small bite on the side of the dumpling and drank the soup. The sweet crab meat and pork soup was absolutely delightful. (Food rating: 3/5)
