Hidden in a tranquil recluse at a high-end post-natal resort, 玥 Getsu serves Japanese private dining. The exclusive restaurant is always fully booked and to get a table reservation is a challenge.
A light, yet flavourful clear clam with mushroom soup.
Freshly sliced squid with sea urchin.
Freshly sliced prawn
Grilled prawn head which was very fragrant and crispy.
Fried fish
Wagyu beef, foie gras and grilled baby carrot.
Address: 上海市静安区愚园路858号(悦子阁)
Pricing: $$$
Rating: 4.5/5
Ambience: Amidst the high-end neighbourhood along Jing An district, the restaurant has a tranquil and beautiful ambience that you can enjoy the ambrosial food fare without worries.
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