Located one stone's throw from Ximen MRT station, 鴨肉扁 (pronounced as Ya-Rou-Bian) was a popular duck noodles place among locals and tourists.
When you entered the store, you will be asked the portion you want. The duck meat may go from TWD100. As a tourist, I ordered half a duck which cost me TWD1,200. After hearing how to the locals ordered, I learned. Apart from the duck meat, you can also order the noodles to complement the poultry. However, the noodles tasted very much like instant noodles which I have eaten at home. It was saddening.
The duck was moist and tender. Though it was lightly coloured, the meat had a nice fragrance. (Food rating: 4/5)
As for the instant noodles (Food rating: 2/5)
Address: No. 98之2號, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan 108
Price: $
Rating: 3.5/5
Stuffness Level (How full you are): 4/5
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